infectious disease傳染病
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influenza 流行性感冒 簡稱flu common cold 一般感冒 Virus Infections 病毒感染
Enterovirus 腸病毒 簡寫EV Acute gastroenteritis 急性腸胃炎 fever 發燒
running nose 不停流鼻涕 sore throat 喉嚨痛 cough 咳嗽
dengue fever 登革熱 hepatitis B B型肝炎 stomach flu 腸胃炎
Diabetes mellitus 糖尿病 Hypertension (HTN) 高血壓 或high blood pressure
Hantavirus 漢他病毒 Parotitis 腮腺炎
Chickenpox或稱Varicella 水痘 Poliomyelitis小兒麻痺症 簡稱Polio
Ebola virus 伊波拉病毒 Zika virus(ZIKV) 茲卡病毒
SARS (Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome) 嚴重急性呼吸道症候群
MERS (Middle East Respiratory Syndrome) 中東呼吸症候群
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流行性感冒初期容易有「發燒fever、流鼻涕Runny nose、咳嗽cough」等症狀;
I think I have a slight fever. 我覺得我好像有點發燒。
I have a sore throat , a running nose , a fever 我喉嚨疼/我流鼻涕了/我發燒了。
I have a cough and get a high fever. 我咳嗽並發高燒。
I had a severe fever and insomnia last night. 我昨晚嚴重發燒以及失眠。
My throat hurts when I sallow. 吞嚥的時候喉嚨好痛。
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infect 傳染 (v.)
‧ The flu virus infected almost the entire class. 全班幾乎人人都染上了流行性感冒病毒。
‧ Venereal disease and chickenpox are contagious diseases. 性病和水痘都是接觸傳染的疾病。
infectious 傳染性的 沒有指定的途徑(adj.)
‧ Influenza and measles are infectious diseases. 流行性感冒和麻疹都是會傳染的疾病。
infection 傳染 (n.)
‧ Are you sure there is no danger of infection now? 你確定現在已經沒有傳染的危險了?
Epidemic 流行病(n.) 流行性、傳染的(adj.)
‧ An epidemic in London in the winter of 1664-1665 caused 70000 deaths.
‧ Violence is reaching epidemic levels. 暴力達到了流行的程度。
Give 給、傳染 (v.)
‧ Do not give me your cold.別把感冒傳染給我。
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Route of infection 傳染途徑 airborne 空氣傳染的 waterborne 水傳染的
Vertical Infection 垂直感染 bloodstream infections 血液感染 droplet infection 飛沫傳染
foodborne infections 食物傳染 contact transmission(transmission by contact) 接觸傳染
Sexually transmitted infections(STI) 性感染疾病 (STD) Disease
Medical Mask 醫療口罩 Travel Alert旅遊警戒 Home Quarantine居家隔離
vaccine 疫苗(n.)
‧ Identifying the virus gave scientists fresh hope of discovering a vaccine.
vaccinate 給…注射疫苗(v.)
‧ All children can be vaccinated with the new vaccine except for those with contraindication
Vaccination 接種(n.)
‧ In countries using widescale vaccination, the disease is already on the decline.
在預防注射普及的那些國家中, 這種疾病已大為減少.
Pathogenic 致病的(a.)
‧ Man is host to a variety of pathogenic bacteria, protozoa, and viruses.
Virus 病毒 (n.)
‧ Sows are suffering from virus pneumonia.母猪感染了病毒性肺炎。
outbreak 爆發(n.) (v.)
‧ The island of Bali has been undergoing a severe outbreak of rabies since 2008.
remedy 治療;治療法(n.)
‧I know a remedy for headaches. 我知道一種治頭疼的藥。
symptom 症狀(n.)
‧A fever is a symptom of illness. 發燒是生病的症狀。
diagnosis 診斷;診斷書(n.)
‧Clinical examination can give only a presumptive diagnosis.臨床檢查只能作出初步診斷。
Positive 確定的、積極的、正的、陽性的(a.)
‧Taiwan lost its rabies-free status in June 2013, after three wild animals were found positive to the virus.
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