過去每年元宵節主要廟宇都有花燈展示,但民眾觀賞元宵花燈卻需奔波於各寺廟間。民國 78 年 9 月,時任交通部張建邦部長以「應將每年元宵節,分置於各地寺廟展示之花燈,予以集中,以便民眾觀賞」為由,指示交通部觀光局毛治國局長籌辦燈會,免除民眾奔波之苦。
交通部觀光局自 1990 年起舉辦燈會以來,今年已邁入第 25 個年頭。每年燈會主燈造型皆以該年生肖為主題,輔以副燈、祈福燈區、歡樂燈區等多元花燈藝術,開幕當天更有來自國內、外著名表演團體參與演出,2014 年燈會將在南投縣中興新村舉行喔
The origin of the Taiwan Lantern Festival
The Lantern Festival is held annually on the 15th day of the first lunar month. It marks the grand finale of the Lunar New Year season and is celebrated with fanfare by families across the country. Firecrackers, fireworks, hand lanterns and torches all traditionally liven up the festivities as people welcome the New Year in a spirit of peace, prosperity and joy.
In earlier times, the main temples all hosted decorative lantern displays during the Lantern Festival. To spare people the trouble of shuttling between the various temples, in 1989, the Minister of Transportation and Communications Clement C.P. Chang instructed Tourism Bureau Director General Mao Chi-kuo to consolidate the separate temple lantern displays into a single annual event.
The Tourism Bureau held the first Lantern Festival in 1990. This year, the event enters its 25th year. Each year, the festival features a Main Theme Lantern based on the Chinese zodiac animal for the new years. This is complemented by secondary lanterns and areas highlighting different decorative lantern themes, such as the Blessing Lantern Area and Joyous Lantern Area.
The event opens with performances by well-known local and international performance groups. Get ready to be dazzled at the 2014 Lantern Festival in Zhongxing New Village, Nantou County.