當我們打從心裡受到他人的恩惠與協助時,「謝謝」這句話時常掛在我們嘴邊,【Thank you 禮貌運動】
Thanks a lot
Thank you very much → Thank you very much for making dinner tonight. 多謝你今晚做的晚餐。
Thank you so much → Thank you so much for helping me out today. 非常感謝妳今天幫助我。
有時只說Thank you是不是會讓對方搞不清楚謝什麼的呢?可以將事物加在後面~
Thank you for + ing
Thank you for raising your concerns. 感謝你提出您問題。
Thank you for looking after the children. 謝謝您照顧孩子。
主詞+appreciate (除了thanks外,其次是appreciate→感謝)
I appreciate what you’re done for me. 我非常感激你。
I truly appreciate it. 我真的很感激。
Any comments will be much appreciated. 任何建議將非常感激。
We would like to express our appreciation to you for yourinvitation. 我們非常感謝您的邀請。
主+動+grateful for
I am grateful for your assistance. 我很感激你協助我。
He's very grateful you rescued his grandson. 他非常感謝你拯救了他的孫子。
Most of the time I'm just thankful that I've got a job. 多數時候我很慶倖自己有份工作。
I am just thankful that we have a roof over our heads. 我們有地方住我就很感激了。
I am thankful to have you in my life. 我很感謝你出現在我生命中。
Much obliged (很正式且隆重的說法,但很少用)
I am much obliged to your ladyship for your kind invitation. 我非常感謝您老人家的盛情邀約。
I owe you one 意思:欠你一個人情,可以使用在加強感謝後
Thank you for helping me, I own you one. 謝謝你的幫忙,我欠你一個人情。
Thanks a bunch 意指:感謝很多..,帶有諷刺的意味。
You told Eric what I told you in confidence? Thanks a bunch!
- - -
Thanks you for your caring. 謝謝你的關心。 You're one in a million. 你真是個大好人。
You're the greatest. 你最棒了。 I couldn't have done it without you. 沒有你我不可能做到的
Don't mention it. 這沒什麼。 My pleasure 我的榮幸(沒什麼)。
I'm much obliged. 我非常感謝(萬分感激) It's nice of you to say so 很感謝你這樣說。
You've been a big help. 你幫我大忙了。 How nice! 哦!那太好了。
It was no trouble. 這沒什麼大不了的。 You're welcome. 別客氣。
I'd like to express my gratitude. 我想表達我的誠摯謝意
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