B:Good morning. This is Citi Bank. May I help you? 早安,這裡是花旗銀行,我能效勞嗎?
或 Good morning. This is Citi Bank. What can I do for you? 早安,這裡是花旗銀行,我能為您效勞嗎?
B:Who do you want to talk [speak] to? 請問找哪位呢?
或 Who would you like to speak with? 你找哪位?
The name of the person you are calling, please? 請問受話人的尊姓大名?
或 May I ask who’s calling,please?請問你是哪位?
或 May I have your name, please? 請教大名好嗎? 或 Who's calling, please?請問是哪位?
或 Excuse me, where is this call coming from?抱歉,請問你是哪位?
或 Hello, who is this? 你好,請問你是哪位?
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A:Hello.This is Peter speaking. 你好, 我是Peter
May I speak to Mr. Eric? 請問Eric先生在嗎? 或 Could I speak to Eric please? 我可以跟Eric講話嗎?
或 Is Eric there? Eric在嗎? 或 I would like to speak to Eric? 我可以跟Eric講話嗎?
A:Could you connect me to extension number 212, with Eric? 請幫找轉接分機號碼212,Eric
B:One moment, please. I will transfer your call to Eric. 請稍等,我將轉接你的來電給Eric。
B:Yes, he is. Please hold on a second. 他在,請稍等一下。
Hold, please. 請稍等。 或 Hold on, please. 請稍等。
Let me see if he's here. Hang on. O.K.? 我看看他在不在。等一下, 好嗎?
Could you hold on a moment, please? 請稍等一下 或 Just a moment, please. 請稍等一下。
C:It’s me正是我或 Yes,speaking 是的,我正是
Yes, I'm in charge是的,我就是相關負責人
I'm in charge of that. 我就是負責此事的人
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A:Do you have any idea where he is? 你知道他在哪裡嗎?
B: I'm afraid he cannot be reached by telephone. 恐怕用電話聯絡不上他。
B:He's at work right now. Do you want his phone number? 他現在在上班。你要不要他電話號碼?
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He's not here right now. 他現在不在這裏。
He's out. 他出去了。 或 He's just stepped out. 他剛好出去了。
Would you like to leave a message? 你要留言嗎?
He's in a meeting right now. 他現在正在開會。I’ll ask him to call you back. 我會請他回電.
You've just missed him. 你剛好錯過他了。I’ll tell him that you called. 我會轉告他你打來.
Would you like to leave a message? 請問你要留言嗎?
He's not available right now. Can I take a message? 他不在, 我可以幫你傳話嗎?
Can I take your name and number, please? 可以留下你的姓名和電話嗎?
A:When he comes back, can you have him call me at (04) 23193988?
(他回來後, 能不能讓他打 (04)23193988 這個號碼給我?)
Do you know when he will be back? 你知道他什麼時候會回來嗎?
Can I leave a message? 我可以留個話? 或 Can I leave a message please?我可以留言嗎?
Could you please ask (name) to call me back? 我可以留下姓名回來後找我?
B:Is this a urgent matter? 這是急事嗎? Shall I take a message?要我留個訊息嗎?
Of course. Hold on for just a second so I can grab a pen and paper. 當然, 稍等一下讓我拿個紙筆。
或 Sure, if you can excuse me for just a second. Let me find a piece of paper to write it down.
當然, 如果你可以等我一下下, 讓我找張紙寫下來。
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I'm sorry, but there's nobody here by this name. 抱歉, 這裏沒這個人。
I'm sorry. I'm afraid you've got the wrong number. 抱歉, 恐怕你打錯電話了。
What number did you dial? 你打幾號?
I’m sorry. I didn’t catch what you just said. 不好意思, 我沒有聽到你講的.
Could you put that in more specific terms? 能說得明確一點嗎?
Can you please speak a little more slowly? 你可以請慢一點嗎?
Sorry,but I didn’t catch that, would you mind spelling it, please? 抱歉,我沒聽懂,請您拼一下好嗎?
Can you please speak a little louder? 你可以講大聲一點嗎?:
Can you repeat again, please? 能不能請你再重複一次?Call Center服務
(Say) Again, please? 再說一次好嗎?
Pardon? 抱歉。(請再說一次)
Come again, please? 再說一次好嗎?
I'm sorry? 抱歉。(請再說一次)
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I have a call on the other line now. Can I call you back? 我另外還有一通電話要接。我再打給你好嗎?
I'm busy at the moment. Can I get back to you a little later? 我此刻正在忙。待會兒再打過去給你好嗎?
Would you call me back in about 30 minutes, if possible? 可能的話,請你約三十分鐘後再打給我好嗎?
I'm sorry but I'm in a meeting. Could I call you back? 很抱歉我正在開會。我再回你電話好嗎?
I'm just about to go out. 我正要外出。
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hold on 或 hang on 稍待一會
→ Please hold on a second, I’ll put him on the phone.請稍等一下,我叫他聽電話。
get through 接通電話,打通
→I can’t get through,the lines must be crossed .我打不通電話線路一定是故障了。
put (the call)through 轉接 →Please put the call through to…請幫我轉接…
hang up 掛電話→You hang up hurriedly 你急忙掛上電話
pick up 撿起、拿起→She picked up the telephone near her. 她就近拿起了電話聽筒。
Call someone back回電給某人→Please call me back.請回電給我。
cut off 中斷、切斷→We were cut off in the middle of our conversation . 我們正交談時,線路被切斷了。
call back 回電→Would you mind calling back sometime tomorrow. 明天有空請你回個電話給我好嗎?
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