Chocolat (Fr.) 濃情巧克力
By Hannah
When you think of Valentine’s Day, you usually think of chocolate. Chocolate is the way to people’s heart, especially women’s hearts. Here are some ideas for chocolate on Valentine’s Day.
Heart-Shaped Box of Chocolates 心型巧克力禮盒
This is a typical gift on Valentine’s Day. It’s romantic, because of the heart, and delicious. The box has many different kinds of chocolates in it such as milk-chocolate, dark chocolate, white chocolate, and more! Remember the popular movie saying: Life is like a box of chocolates. You never know what you’re going to get.
心型巧克力禮盒是情人節典型的禮物。由於是心型的設計因此帶給人們浪漫,好吃的感覺。禮盒內有許多不同種類的巧克力如牛奶巧克力,黑巧克力,白巧克力和許多其它口味! 我記得曾在電影裡聽過一句名言”生命就如同一盒巧克力,你若沒嚐過它,將不會知道你選擇的那塊巧克力內是包什麼餡的。
Chocolate Roses 巧克力花束
Getting your sweetheart regular roses is romantic, but everyone does it. If you want to be different, buy chocolate roses. Nothing says love like flowers made out of chocolate.
Chocolate-Dipped Strawberries 巧克力沾醬草莓
You want chocolate, but you also want to be healthy. No problem. Buy some strawberries at the local fruit market, dip them in melted chocolate, and then let them sit for a while until the chocolate gets hard.
Chocolate Covered Cherries 櫻桃巧克力
These are a rich and delicious covered treat. You can buy them at imported stores/international stores, because these treats don’t come from Taiwan, which will make your sweetheart love you even more, because they are a little hard to find.
Belgian or Swiss Chocolates 比利時或瑞士巧克力
In my opinion, the best chocolate comes from these two European countries. Luckily for you, they sell Lindt (Swiss) and Toblerone chocolates in 7-11, which are a very popular brands of chocolates from Switzerland. Look at Carrefour (a popular French department store/supermarket in Taiwan) for chocolates made in Belgium. Godiva and Côte D’Or are popular Belgian brands of chocolate.
我本人認為最好吃的巧克力來自兩個歐洲國家,比利時和瑞士。台灣人真是有福氣,因為在7-11就可以買到Lindt 和Toblerone巧克力,以上兩種都是瑞士巧克力。若想嚐嚐不同的巧克力,還可以到Carrefour家樂福(受歡迎的法國連鎖超市)找比利時的Godiva和Côte D’Or are,兩種最受好評的比利時巧克力。