
Frank: I haven’t celebrated the New Year holiday with my family for quite a few
years. I’m finally getting a chance to go home and have a family dinner with
them this year. I'm looking forward to my family reunion this New Year.
/ 我好多年沒回家過年了,今年終於可以回去吃團圓飯了。我很期待過年與家人團聚。
Ben:Uh...I'm a bit confused; New Year's Day was over weeks ago.
/ 嗯……我有點搞迷糊了,新年不是幾週前就過去了嗎?
Frank :You must be kidding! It is Chinese New Year, silly!
/ 你在開什麼玩笑啊!我是說中國春節,你這傻瓜!
Ben:Oh right, it slipped my mind. Why do you celebrate two New Years?
/ 哦,對了,我都忘了。你們為什麼要慶祝兩個新年啊?
Frank : The Lunar New Year is the most significant festival in Taiwan.
/ 農曆新年在台灣是意義最重大的節日。
Chinese have been celebrating New Years in this fashion for thousands of years.
/ 中國人慶祝這個節日的習俗已經延續幾千年了
Ben:How do you celebrate the Chinese New Year?
/ 你如何慶祝中國新年呢?
Frank :
‧On Lunar New Year’s Eve, we gather around the table to eat Lunar New Year's Eve dinner.
After the great dinner, families sit together and chat happily to wait for the New Year’s arrival。
We stay up all night to welcome the New Year.
/ 在農曆新年除夕,我們聚在桌子四周吃年夜飯。年夜飯後,家人聚坐一起,
‧Parents and grandparents first put money in small, especially-made red envelopes and
give the red envelopes to their kids after the New Year's Feast or when they come to
visit them on the New Year. The money is believed to bring good luck, ward off monsters.
/ 父母和祖父母先把錢放入特製的小紅包裡,年夜飯後或當孩子們來拜年時,
‧Windows and doors will be decorated with red paper-cuts and couplets with
popular themes of“good fortune", “happiness", “wealth", and “longevity."
/ 窗上和門上則會貼上紅紙,還有對句,上面寫著常見的
‧ The married daughters return to their parents' home on the second day of
the Lunar New Year Festival.
/ 已婚的女兒在農曆新年春節的第二天要回娘家。
Ben:It is so cool! Can you show me one of your red envelopes next time?
/ 真是太酷了!下次你可以給我看一下紅包長怎麼樣嗎?
Frank : Sure, why not. I can tell you more about our Chinese new year if you would like to know.
/ 可以阿.如果你想知道更多關於農曆新年的事情我很會樂意告訴你.
Would you like to come to my house for New Year's Dinner.
/ 你想要到我家吃年夜飯嗎?
Ben:Of course. Will you set off firecrackers? / 當然好啊,你們會放鞭炮嗎?
Frank : Naturally ,but the most important thing that we do during Chinese New Years is to eat! So
make sure to bring your appetite!
/ 會啊,不過過年期間最重要的事情就是吃,所以準備好大吃一頓哦!
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Peter: Hey! How's your Chinese new year? / 嗨!農曆新年過的如何?
Mark : It was great, I got to spend time with my family. / 很好阿. 我都跟家人在一起
All my relatives gave me red envelopes. I really cleaned up this year!
/ 我所有的親戚都給我紅包。今年真的是大撈一筆呢!
Peter: What did you do? / 你們做了些什麼事?
Mark : We use them on the first day of Chinese New Year. The firecrackers drive the
Nien monster away. / 我們在春節第一天會使用爆竹。爆竹會把年獸趕走。
We went to visit all our relatives, as it is a tradition. / 我們到處去親戚加拜年,這是傳統.
Peter: How was the food? / 食物怎麼樣?
Mark : It was spectacular! My aunt makes the best dumplings. We look forward to them all year!
/ 超讚的!我的伯母包的餃子最棒。我們可是期待了一整年呢!
Peter: Wow! Those are my favorite too! My grandmother says that eating them can
make you rich and prosperous.
/ 哇!那也是我最愛吃的!我的祖母說,吃餃子可以財富滾滾、好運旺旺來。
Peter: Do you have a New Year's resolution? / 你有新年願望嗎?
Mark :
‧ My New Year’s resolution is to cycle around the island. / 我的新年新希望是騎自行車環島。
‧ I was thinking about it, but I'm never able to keep my New Year's resolution.
Last year for example I joined a gym and only went twice.
/ 我在想這件事,但是我從來沒有堅持過我的願望並且實現它。
Peter : Yeah I know what you mean. That's why this year I am keeping things more simple.
Maybe like getting together with friends I haven't seen in a long time,
or doing some volunteering work.
/ 是的,我知道你的意思。這就是為什麼我今年我的打算更加簡單。
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Billy : Hey Jim, you’re planning on going to Tainan for the Chinese New Year, right?
/ 嘿,吉姆,你過年是不是要去台南啊?
Jim : Yeah, my in-laws are down there. I’ll be staying with them.
I’ve been honing my Mahjongg skills.
/ 對啊,我岳父岳母在南部。我們會去住他們那兒。我最近在練習打麻將。
Billy : Oh, that sounds fun. Does your family play any other games?
Big Two, Texas-Hold’em, Crazy eights?
/ 喔,有意思。你家人還會打什麼?大老二?德州撲克?
Jim : Never. They’re a Mahjongg-only family. / 都沒有。他們只會打麻將。
Billy : Ah. So, how are you getting down there? / 啊,那你們要怎麼下去?
Jim : Well, I’ve been thinking of driving down, but after talking it over with my wife, we
may decide to take the high-speed rail.
/ 我們想開車,但是我跟我老婆談過,我們可能還是會搭高鐵下去。
Billy : OK, well, I read today that the Ministry of Transportation has decided to waive the
fees at highway tollbooths before 7am each day during the New Year holiday. So if
you and your wife are early birds, it might be a good way to save some coins.
/ 嗯,我今天看到報紙上說交通部決定過年期間高速公路每天早上七點以前暫停收費。
Jim : Well that’s something to think about. If I save money on tolls, I’ll have more
money to lose to my uncle-in-law during the Mahjongg match.
/ 可以考慮看看喔。如果我把過路費省下來,就有多一點錢可以輸給三叔公了。
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恭喜發財:Wishing you prosperity and wealth.
恭賀新禧:Best wishes for the year to come.
新年快樂:Happy Chinese New Year.
歲歲平安:Everlasting peace year after year.(everlasting指「持久的;接連不斷的」)
年年有餘:May there be prosptrity every year.
心想事成:May all your wishes come true.
吉祥如意:We wish you good fortune and may all your wishes come true.
財源廣進:May wealth come generously to you.
國泰民安:The country is at peace and the people are satisfied.
願你健康長壽:I want to wish you longevity and health.
恭賀新禧,萬事如意:Best wishes for the holidays and happiness throughout the New Year.
- -
郎才女貌:They are perfect for each other.
天緣巧合:A destiny given by heaven and a wonderful match.
天作之和:They’re meant for each other.
心心相印:A complete meeting of minds.
永結同心:To be of one mind forever.
相親相愛:To be kind and love to each other.
百年好合:A harmonious union lasting a hundred years.
永浴愛河:Bathe in a river of love forever.
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祝福你:Best wishes.(心想事成等等)
祝你幸運:Good luck.
神保佑你:God bless you.
請接受我衷心的祝賀:Please accept my hearty congratulations.
祝你萬事如意:I hope all is well with you.
祝你有愉快的一天:Have a nice day.
祝你天天都快樂:May you be happy every single day.
祝你成功:Wish you success.
旅途愉快:Have a nice trip.
祝萬事如意:All the best.
祝你好運:The best of luck.
祝你玩的開心:Have a pleasant time.
祝福你長壽且事業成功:May you live long and prosper.
祝你開心:May you be happy.
祝你幸運:May you have good fortune.
祝一輩子健康快樂:May you have good health and joy throughout the life.
希望你新的一年大成功:I wish you a successful new year.
祝你好運:Good luck to you.
祝你事業成功:Every success in your business.
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