
a lot ? a lot of ? 只差一個of哪裡不一樣?

同學們,常常有人問我a lota lot of 長的很像,該怎麼區分呢?先來看這兩個例句吧!

I read a lot of books. (= I read many books.)我讀很多的書。

I read a lot. (= I read very much.)我讀書讀地很多。



有沒有發現,a lot of 用來形容名詞,所以也等於lots of, manymuch。而第二個句子的a lot 用來修飾前面的動詞read,表示讀很多,所以也等於very much哦。現在來練習幾個例子看你懂了沒?

1.          We need ___________ people for this game.

2.          She likes _________ jam on her toast.

3.          I enjoy swimming _________.

4.          Mary seems to travel _________.

5.          She always wears a smile on her face, so she has _________ friends.

6.          He's been late to class _________.

7.          She is a movie lover. She goes to see a movie _________.

8.          There are _________ people in the elevator. I can barely breathe.

9.          Don’t eat _________ chocolate, or you’ll get fat easily.

10.      Practice makes perfect. If you practice _________, your English will be as good as me.

Answers: 1.a lot of  2.a lot of  3. a lot  4.a lot  5.a lot of
        6.a lot    7.a lot    8.a lot of  9.a lot of   10.a lot


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