Adjectives :-ed or – ing?

同學們, surprised surprising 都表示驚訝的意思,但什麼時候用surprised?什麼時候用surprising?


We are all surprised by the news.(= We feel surprised) 我們對這新聞感到很驚訝

The news is surprising.(=The news makes us feel surprised.) 這新聞真令人驚訝



confused    bored    interested   surprised    tired

confusing   boring   interesting   surprising   tiring

1.The map was ________ and I got lost.

2.You idea is very ________. Tell me more about it.

3.Could you repeat that, please? I’m a bit ________ because it was very complicated.

4.It is ________ that she failed the exam because she’s a very good student.

5.She was ________ because she had nothing to do today.

6.This book is so ________. Let’s find something else to read.

7.I’m ________ in your idea. Please tell me more about it.

8.Are you ________ or were you expecting this news?

9.I’ve had a ________ day at work today and I want to go to bed.

10.I was very ________ at the end of my trip.


1.confusing 2. interesting  3. confused  4.surprising  5.bored

6.boring    7.interested   8.surprised  9.tiring    10.tired


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